Created on February 1st following an intergovernental agreement under the auspices of the Conference of the Ministers of Research and Development of West and Central Africa (COMRED/AOC), CARBAP has three major objectives:
- reinforce food security in West and Central Africa (WCA) by improving banana and plantain production and productivity;
- contribute to sustainable development of agriculture and environmental protection;
- promote and valorize quality products, notably, plantain-based products and by products, to adatp to consumer preference (quality, hygiene, nutrition)
To this effect, CARBAP mission is to sustain banana and plantain production, productivity and competitivity in WCA, using a multiskakeholder approch, by developing and disseminating innovations, improving exchange among and between actors of the value chain and putting in place an economic information system in the region. CARBAP privides technical backstopping support to national banana programmes and Coordinates regional projects funded by CORAF competitive funds.
To achieve its mission, CARBAP carries out three main activities: Integrated research, training and capacity building; innovation and development
1. Integrated research: Agronomy and production systems: improving banana and plantain sustainable production; varietal improvement; processing and valorization of genetic ressources, socioeconomic studies and measurement of impact innovations.
2.Training and capacity building : Training is offered on horticultural multiplication (PIF), hardening of TC and In vivo plantlets; nursery management, Tissue Culture, Breeding, genetic ressources management and characterization, pest and diseases control, processing, cultivation techniques and holding management, etc.
Training on horticultural production (PIF), Oyem-Gabon, 2010: Practical session on the preparation of the explant
3. Développement: CARBAP provides support for establishing and managing nurseries and holdings, introducing and using improved varieties, harvesting and and postharvest handling, establishment of processing units and marketing; provision of planting material (TC and in vivo plantlets) and traditional varieties, establishement of Horticultural multiplication pilot Units (eg. Ambam PIF Pilot Unit in the NTEM Plateform and LSM, a PIF Pilot Unit created at Mbonjo -Douala (LSM) by J.J. MAYEKE, with a capacity of 6 millions plants per cycle. LSM collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture of Cameroon in the framework of the plantain development project.
J.J. MAYEKE, in his plantain nursery, La Sablière de Missake Mbonjo (Cameroun), Created with technical support from CARBAP. Production Capacity: 6000000 de plantlets per cycle.
Nursery extension (LSM)
For more information, please visit CARBAP website
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